European leader
for roller shutters



Standard components

Shutter Renovation


Garage door

Zurflüh-Feller has been designing, developing and manufacturing systems and solutions for the external closure of buildings since 1920.

of experience
clients in
the world
countries delivered
each day


The story of
a European leader

Founded in 1920 by Emile Feller, ZF has been managed and chaired by Thierry Jeanmart since 2008.

Originally a family business, ZF is now the leader in its market in Europe. Specialized in the design, manufacture and distribution of components and systems for building closure.

Already firmly established in the French market, ZF has a strong international presence and has been pursuing its export development since 2010.

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Specjalista od zamknięć, stolarz

Projektant i producent innowacyjnych komponentów do rolet rolowanych i bram rolowanych, ZF jest niezastąpionym partnerem dla specjalistów od zamknięć, stolarzy PVC, producentów profili PVC i aluminium oraz producentów silników.

Dzięki silnie zintegrowanej produkcji, ZF wykorzystuje swoją moc przemysłową oraz wysoką techniczną wiedzę na Państwa usługi. Zespół sprzedaży ZF jest dostępny we Francji i za granicą i udziela Państwu porad na każdym etapie.

ZF oferuje komponenty do zamykania budynków zewnętrznych, które spełniają trzy wymagania:

  1. Łatwość realizacji,
  2. Skuteczność,
  3. Bezkompromisowa jakość.

Usługi + ZF:

  1. Optymalizowana logistyka: ZF zobowiązuje się do wysyłki Państwa zamówienia w ciągu 7 dni roboczych po złożeniu zamówienia,
  2. Techniczne partnerstwo, które obejmuje doradztwo, współrozwój oraz szkolenia dostosowane do potrzeb.
Closer, carpenter

Designer and manufacturer of innovative components for rolling shutters and roll-up doors, ZF is the essential partner for closers, PVC carpenters, PVC & aluminum and engine manufacturers.

With its highly integrated production, ZF puts its industrial strength and high-tech know-how at your service. The ZF sales team is available in France and abroad and advises you at all times. ZF offers you components for the exterior closure of buildings that meet 3 requirements:
  1. Easy to implement,
  2. Efficacy,
  3. Impeccable quality.
Services + ZF:
  1. Optimized logistics: ZF undertakes to ship your items within 7 working days after your order,
  2. A technical partnership that ranges from advice to co-development, including tailor-made training.
Fitter, installer
Privileged partner of fitters and installers, ZF offers you an innovative range of rolling shutters and rolling doors that meets new regulations. For you, ZF declines its concepts according to the following cases:
  1. New,
  2. Renovation,
  3. Traditional,
  4. Tunnel Chest,
  5. Cabinet block,
  6. Half lintel.
Whatever your constraints, there is a ZF solution adapted to your installation and fastening conditions. ZF can offer you roller shutters delivered assembled and ready to install with an easy choice of maneuver. ZF provides you with technical advice and tailor-made training.
Design office
The Research & Développement ZF offers you an innovative collaboration with tailor-made solutions. ZF assures you:
  1. Extensive monitoring (competition, standards, regulations, certification),
  2. High-quality product development thanks to prototypes designed and tested in its test and metrology laboratories,
  3. Easier certification of your components.
From the development to the marketing of your product through its production, ZF guarantees you total involvement and listening. The ZF design office also meets your specific needs regarding the technical characteristics of a product.